Clayton James was interned during WWII at CPS Camps 9, Petersham, MA; 46, Big Flats, NY; and 56, Waldport, OR.
The book Clayton James by author Vicki Halper (University of Washington Press, 2002), details Clayton's experiences as a CO at Waldport, as well as presenting numerous color photographs of his pottery and paintings. Clayton's work is part of many collections across America, including those at the Seattle Art Museumand the Museum of Northwest Art.
"I don't know why I became a Conscientious Objector, I just did. I was twenty-two. And the more I got into it the more I was determined to be a Conscientious Objector.... I was a member of the MethodistChurch.... The war came and I was also in school painting. And I just rebelled against the idea of going to war. There was some guidance from the Church, but not too much.... It was the 'good war,' and it was very difficult to be a war Objector. But I'm a rather stubborn person. The harder it got, the more I was determined."
Clayton painting at Waldport CPS Camp.
A favorite Clayton James painting (in his private collection).
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