Gene Petry was interned during WWII in CPS Camp 48, Marienville, PA, and CPS Camp 16, Kane, PA.
"My father was a Church of the Brethren Minister and three of my brothers were Ministers in the PeaceChurch. My parents were very, very active in getting the peace message out to the family and the congregation. I suspect that I really became a person that was concerned with peace because of my parents, because of my parentage and then growing up in the Church the way that I did. When it came to decide on what I was going to do so far as the war was concerned, there wasn't any choice. Maybe I was then reacting because of my father's conscience more than my own. That would probably be a fair statement because I was so impressed with my parents and the way they treated us as we grew up, that I wouldn't do anything to harm his ministry. This was part of his ministry; he taught the peace thing, and he thought that young men should go as Conscientious Objectors."
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